ATTENDEES (IN PERSON): Dorinda Edmisten, Will Jones, Beth Sanders, Dr. Karen Worley, Courtney Leach, Jennifer Beaty-West, Elizabeth Pulley, Laura Abbott, Andrew Baker, Melody Bozza, Lauren Shipley, Anushree Jumde, Candy Garland, Stasia McDonald, Sherry Williamson, Laura Robertson
(JOINED BY ZOOM): Sheriff Hobe Runion, Lauren Geier, Melanie Mata, Zachary Morrison, Dr. Karen Farst
WELCOME: Dorinda Edmisten welcomed the Commissioners and guests to our first hybrid meeting since 2019.
INTRODUCTION OF COMMISSIONERS AND GUESTS: Everyone in attendance was able to introduce themselves and provide some information on their role with the Commission, how long they have been with the Commission, and their role in their communities. We also had guests from the Governor’s Office of Boards and Commission (Melody Bozza) and guests from the Attorney General’s Office (Lauren Shipley and Anushree Jumde).
CHILD WELFARE COMMITTEE: Sherry Williamson provided the update for the Committee. Sherry read the mission/purpose statement for the Committee. That will be provided in writing to the Commissioners. Sherry also spoke briefly on the partnerships that the Commission has established across the state through the Child Abuse and Neglect RFP that is currently in its second year. A complete list of the partners will be sent to the Commissioners, but Sherry highlighted a program that ARBEST is doing in conjunction with the Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence that trains domestic violence shelter staff on trauma-informed care practices for the families they serve. The next meeting for the Child Welfare Committee will be held via Zoom on July 26, 2023 at 9:30am.
SEXUAL ASSAULT PREVENTION COMMITTEE: Melanie Mata provided the update for the Committee. The last meeting of the committee was a training on implicit bias that was provided by Odette Woods from UAMS. The training was very beneficial to the committee members. The Committee is hosting an in-person conference August 2-4 in Conway at Hendrix College. This is the hospital protocol conference that is open to anyone who may need training in handling sexual assault cases for both children and adults. The conference is free and will offer CEUs. A brochure will be sent out by Dorinda to the Commission regarding the conference.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COMMITTEE: Laura Robertson provided an update on the status of this committee. The Commission no longer has a Domestic Violence Coordinator. The Commissioners decided that a DV committee was still needed. Laura and Beth Sanders will work on getting that committee restructured and more established with some goals and purposes. Laura Abbott would like to see some more training for the judicial system on domestic violence and also more information on Batterer’s Intervention programs. Beth said that both of those are being addressed by the Coalition and the Commission can work with them in getting information on trainings and resources to all the communities across the state. Dr. Karen Farst mentioned that there is a new position at Arkansas Children’s Hospital working with teens that are affected by DV. There are some programs in Oklahoma City that might be useful in providing ideas for resources we need in Arkansas. Dr. Farst sent links to the program to the Commissioners. There is a need for a shepherding program for adolescent DV victims in Arkansas.
*Elizabeth Pulley suggested that when a committee provides a training during a meeting that the Commissioners are given notice so they can attend even if not on that particular Committee.
*Commissioners were encouraged to join at least one committee, and may join more than one.
CHILD WELFARE OMBUDSMAN UPDATE: Stasia McDonald gave a brief overview of the Ombudsman program and the kind of cases and the caseload she is handling. A Child Welfare Ombudsman Asst. Director position is currently being interviewed for to help handle the current caseload. The need for the Ombudsman position is great more and more cases are coming into the office as word of the division is spreading. The brochure for the CWO division will be emailed to all the Commissioners along with the Act creating the CWO Division. UAMS IT Department is currently building a case management system and database for the Ombudsman to better track the number and types of cases coming into the office.
ACCARDV WEBSTIE INFORMATION: The link to the website will be provided to the Commissioners so that they can provide ideas as to ways to improve the website and make it more useful to communities across the state.
NEW BUSINESS: Dorinda briefly discussed the budget cuts with VOCA grants that are coming. Last year there was 22 million dollars that were distributed, this year there will only be 8 million dollars available for agencies providing services to victims. Laura encouraged Commissioners to let the Commission know about issues and concerns in their communities that can be addressed by Commission staff or fellow Commissioners. Lauren Shipley from the Attorney General’s office requested help with a case involving a family that had been victims of human trafficking and were in need of some very specific resources and help. Three Commissioners were able to provide options for resources for the family on the spot.
The next Commission meeting will be held October 18, 2023 at 1pm. At this time, it is scheduled to be via Zoom, but if the Commissioners would like it to be in person, that may change. If anyone has thoughts on that, please email Dorinda Edmisten or Laura Robertson.
Meeting adjourned.